Be seen.
Be heard.
Be known.

Restore joy to your story.

Counseling for exploring your story.
Stained Glass Counseling is passionate about creating a safe place for you to show up exactly as you are. When we are experiencing pain in our lives, we feeling broken like pieces of glass. The process of counseling is sifting through these broken pieces and putting them together to tell the full story of who we are. You do not have to sift through this brokenness alone. Brandi Solanki will hear all the pieces of your story and help you gain awareness of and confidence in the beautiful picture this creates. Whatever is encouraging you to seek support now, Stained Glass Counseling wants to see, hear, and know the real you.
You deserve to see yourself in a new perspective.
Our perspectives of ourselves and the world are like glasses with different lenses or prescriptions. Each pair of glasses is developed from our culture, community, family values, life experiences, media and often times, trauma. Every experience you have, person you meet, book you read, etc is seen through these glasses which can be distorted. Counseling will encourage you to challenge your perspective and help you remove shame, changing how you see yourself and the world.
We welcome diversity, inclusive to all body sizes, abilities, genders, sexualities, religions and races. We celebrate you as you are.
We are an ally, not an authority. You are the expert on yourself.
We encourage change through challenging your perspectives in a safe relationship, giving you the power to create new glasses
Meet Brandi.

Hello! I’m Brandi (she/her) and I am a mental health and addiction counselor committed to helping young adults and professionals walk through the journey of knowing and being their complete selves. But first, I’m a human, like you. A human who loves movies/tv, board games, video games, and pop culture references. Through my personal and professional experiences, I have come to believe that one of our deepest desires as humans is to be fully seen, heard, and known as we truly are and to be loved as that complete person.